Worth Dying For by Lee Child

We traveled last week and like to listen to audio books while driving.  At the top of the heap sits Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series (he’s in my book hall of fame in the right side bar).  The latest in the series is Worth Dying For.

As with all of the previous books, there is plenty of action and an unusual story to keep your attention.  The characters are distinct and interesting so the story never gets muddled.  It is perfect for times when you need to put plenty of interstate miles on your car.  Best of all, no romance in this book.  Occasionally Child will slip in a love interest and  Melanie and I agree this is always the weakest part of any of his books.

I don’t want to give anything away since each story is always a mystery but know that this book is as good as any of the others in the series.

If you’ve never read a Jack Reacher book, start at the beginning with Killing Floor.  Each story builds on the last (or at least contains spoilers from previous books).

Jack Reacher Books in Chronological Order.

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